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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

Peter found this beautiful nest in one of my Bantry Bay Roses. Cleverly put togethor with
many pieces from our backyard, including feathers from our happy hens.

The work of art provides a very cosy home for these day old chicks. I was unable to see into
the nest so grabbed my camera and with one click we were able to see these two healthy and hungry
little chicks demanding to be fed.

A bird does not sing because it has an answer,
It sings because it has a song.
(Chinese Proverb)

Best Wishes to all of my readers for 2012.
May your year be one of happiness and fulfillment.

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  1. A real work of art indeed!

    One of natures marvels. From my upstairs work room, I watched for weeks while a young blackbird hunted and collected an array of twigs and soft mossy bits, preparing her nest.
    She sat in it for a few days - on and off.
    Then she was gone.

    I was left feeling most disappointed, I was expecting to see little open mouths appear - just as you did. I wonder why she had a change of plan? Maybe she was aware of me looking out of the window into her tree!*#

    take care

  2. Thankyou Shane, I love the picture of bird watching you have painted. These little birds build some gorgeus homes for their families. Made with a lot of skill and love to keep their babies safe and warm.
    May 2012 be a happy one for you!
